[内推/远程面试/500 强外企] 岗位直荐:麦当劳(中国)- IT Restaurant Solution

2022-08-23 16:59:06 +08:00
1. 本岗位由 LinkedIn 旗下「领英职场」“未来职业规划局”活动直推,简历通过初筛后需要与雇主进行一轮 [线上对谈] ,对谈以 [线上 zoom 连麦] + [直播] 的方式进行(市场活动,目的是为年轻求职者提供面试范本);
2. 岗位真实有效,线上对谈时可以根据候选人要求 [真人出镜] 或 [隐去个人形象] ,简历也可以根据要求 [隐去相关细节] ,对谈环节不会涉及薪资、核心技术等敏感内容;
3. 线上对谈时间约在 [ 30 分钟] 左右,提前会有一次与企业的简单接触,麦当劳(中国)内推直播场时间为 [ 9 月 27 日 19:30 ] ;
4. 再次重申,参与内推需要 [线上 zoom 连麦] + [直播] ,直播渠道“领英职场”视频号及微信小程序,介意勿扰。
5. 内推报名链接: https://qr04.cn/A9yzwd
6. 如有疑问请联系: wechateam@linkedin.com
7. 岗位 JD 可查看: https://www.linkedin.cn/incareer/jobs/view/3208240750

[ Principal Accountabilities ]
1.Project Management:Work as an IT project manager to ensure project delivery in line with planned schedule, cost and quality;Manage project communication and stakeholders’ expectation;Monitor project schedule and cost closely, and take action promptly in case of any deviation;Establish project documentation and update it regularly;Work with business team to arrange UAT, prepare training materials, make training & rollout plan and deliver the project to users;Regular communication with global PMO team.
2.Product Management:Work as a product owner to improve product functionality and quality continuously and set short-term and long-term product roadmap;Raise change request based on business requirement, and draft business requirement document;Review feature design document to ensure that the design meets the business requirement and is cost effective;Coordinate product vendor for new feature development, testing and deployment;Lead product team to implement tests, write user guide and arrange release deployment;Work out and execute improvement plan based on the analyses of issue statistics and system performance.
3.Business Partner Role:Closely partner with business teams to understand business demands and evaluate proper IT solutions working as teamwork to fulfill the needs;Build positive working relationship with business stakeholders (Operations, Finance, Supply Chain etc.) to understand business pain points and propose feasible solutions;Proactively identify and engage key stakeholders to ensure that clear project scope, status and key details are communicated and aligned;Work closely with cross IT functions and involve relevant stakeholders in project at early stage.
4.Vendor Management:Manage multiple software and service vendors for project delivery and product maintenance;Review vendor’s performance regularly and propose improvement plan;Seek for better prices and services at contract negotiation with vendor;Lead and motivate vendor team to maintain their proactivity and consistency.

[ Required Experience and Requirements ]
1.Bachelor’s degree in IT related subjects;
2.Work experience in Retail/Catering/Consulting industry as an IT or Digital role;
3.Knowledge and experience in project management and vendor management;
4.Strong sense of responsibility;
5.Strong communication skills and fluent English is must.
1837 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
6 条回复
2022-08-23 17:09:51 +08:00
请问这个岗位是需要快餐行业 IT 项目经验背景的么?还是有 IT 或者咨询类的背景就行
2022-08-23 17:13:11 +08:00
@BingqiQiu 需要 IT (最好是零售业 IT )项目经验,或咨询背景,英文好加分
2022-08-23 19:57:47 +08:00
2022-08-24 10:57:09 +08:00
@israinbow 我再说一遍,这里是麦当劳.jpg
2022-08-24 15:26:14 +08:00
2022-08-26 10:00:40 +08:00

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