FeatBit,一个开源的 Feature flags / Feature Management 平台工具

2022-12-01 17:48:37 +08:00


一个开源的 Feature flags / Feature Management 平台工具。这是我们开源的地址,欢迎大家吐槽反馈、鼓励点 star

什么是 Feature flags 和 Feature management 呢?下面是一段英文解释:

Feature flags are if-else statements that decouple code deployments from feature releases, giving you control over which end-users see which features.

Feature management is a new class of software development tools and techniques rooted in feature flags. It provides a holistic framework for feature flag-driven development, A/B testing, and experimentation, enabling teams to use flags on a massive scale across a variety of use cases.

Feature management, or feature flag management, is a key driver of modern development practices such as DevOps, CI/CD, and Progressive Delivery. Teams that employ feature management increase developer productivity, maintain high system performance, and continuously improve the quality of their software.


关于更多的相关技术信息,大家可以直接谷歌,或去我们的 github 页面查看相关信息和文档。

958 次点击
所在节点    程序员
1 条回复
2022-12-01 17:49:34 +08:00


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