Spring CLI 新建项目的一个报错请教: Could not determine version based on 'ootVersion=2.4.2': version format is Major.Minor.Patch and

2023-01-10 14:17:51 +08:00


spring init -d=web,actuator -n=actuator-demo -type=maven-project -bootVersion=2.4.2 -javaVersion=11  actuator-demo


Using service at https://start.spring.io
Initializr service call failed using 'https://start.spring.io' - service returned Internal Server Error: 'Could not determine version based on 'ootVersion=2.4.2': version format is Major.Minor.Patch and an optional Qualifier (e.g. 1.0.5.RELEASE)'

这个报错很奇怪,为啥报错里 -bootVersion 的 -b 给吃掉了?

补充:CLI 的版本是:

spring  --version 
Spring CLI v2.4.2
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