用 Golang 写了一个 Bing Ai Chat Sdk,欢迎试用😊

2023-04-22 00:17:43 +08:00

Github 地址: https://github.com/labulakalia/bingchat

首先要有一个 Bing Ai 的权限,并且可以连接,否则需要先设置http_proxy或者https_proxy


➜ ./bingchat -c cookies.json
local http proxy is set
Bing Ai Chat Copilot
/reset [styles]
      1  more create
      2  more balance
      3  more precise
  print help
Current Style: Balance 
Ask> hello
Hello! How can I help you today? 😊
Prompt suggest
1: What is the weather like today?
2: What is the latest news?
3: Can you tell me a joke?
Ask> 2
Here are some of the latest news sources you can check out:
- [The Guardian]( https://www.theguardian.com/world)
- [NBC News]( https://www.nbcnews.com/latest-stories)
- [RTÉ News]( https://www.rte.ie/news/)

Which one would you like to check out?
Prompt suggest
1: What is the latest news on politics?
2: What is the latest news on sports?
3: What is the latest news on entertainment?
Ask> /reset 1
Switch Style Create

欢迎 Star/PR

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5 条回复
2023-04-22 09:58:45 +08:00
bing ai 的 api 在哪儿?
2023-04-22 10:46:57 +08:00
@billzhuang 没有 api ,爬网页的接口,需要自已导出 bing.com 的 cookie 来使用
2023-04-22 15:00:57 +08:00
修复了会话被 bing 关闭后,不能继续发消息的 bug
2023-04-24 13:58:12 +08:00
有点像 EdgeGPT ,用 js 写了个类似的( https://github.com/lonelam/EdgeGPTJs) 主要的痛点在于手动导出 cookie 的步骤过于复杂,对用户不友好。如果能封装一个页面,然后手动拿 cookie ,会不会更好用。
2023-04-24 23:31:56 +08:00
@laizenan 确实挺复杂的

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