LowEndTalk 上面的 Top 20 Providers - 2013 Q3 Poll 居然没有 Linode 是我眼睛看花了么? 这不科学啊!

2013-12-20 06:18:14 +08:00

Just to give everyone something to cheer up. Even when we have problems with a provider, there are still many good host out there that we could consider.
Below is the top 20 host in our recent 2013 Q3 poll:
ramnode, Points = 150, 1st Choice = 37, 2nd Choice = 17, 3rd Choice = 5, HM = 14
prometeus, Points = 128, 1st Choice = 32, 2nd Choice = 13, 3rd Choice = 6, HM = 7
iniz, Points = 60, 1st Choice = 14, 2nd Choice = 7, 3rd Choice = 4, HM = 7
buyvm, Points = 55, 1st Choice = 5, 2nd Choice = 15, 3rd Choice = 10, HM = 6
digitalocean, Points = 49, 1st Choice = 5, 2nd Choice = 11, 3rd Choice = 12, HM = 6
backupsy, Points = 43, 1st Choice = 6, 2nd Choice = 6, 3rd Choice = 13, HM = 3
bluevm, Points = 36, 1st Choice = 4, 2nd Choice = 6, 3rd Choice = 12, HM = 8
edis, Points = 35, 1st Choice = 6, 2nd Choice = 6, 3rd Choice = 5, HM = 4
inceptionhosting, Points = 33, 1st Choice = 4, 2nd Choice = 10, 3rd Choice = 1, HM = 3
hostigation, Points = 29, 1st Choice = 5, 2nd Choice = 5, 3rd Choice = 4, HM = 2
weloveservers, Points = 25, 1st Choice = 6, 2nd Choice = 3, 3rd Choice = 1, HM = 1
maximumvps, Points = 20, 1st Choice = 6, 2nd Choice = 1, 3rd Choice = 0, HM = 1
catalysthost, Points = 20, 1st Choice = 5, 2nd Choice = 2, 3rd Choice = 1, HM = 0
fliphost, Points = 17, 1st Choice = 4, 2nd Choice = 1, 3rd Choice = 3, HM = 3
ovh, Points = 14, 1st Choice = 1, 2nd Choice = 4, 3rd Choice = 3, HM = 1
dotvps, Points = 10, 1st Choice = 1, 2nd Choice = 2, 3rd Choice = 3, HM = 3
fapvps, Points = 10, 1st Choice = 3, 2nd Choice = 0, 3rd Choice = 1, HM = 1
onepoundwebhosting, Points = 10, 1st Choice = 1, 2nd Choice = 3, 3rd Choice = 1, HM = 0
ipxcore, Points = 9, 1st Choice = 1, 2nd Choice = 2, 3rd Choice = 2, HM = 4
torqhost, Points = 8, 1st Choice = 0, 2nd Choice = 1, 3rd Choice = 6, HM = 3

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5 条回复
2013-12-20 06:19:18 +08:00
因为 Linode 不是 Low end
2013-12-20 06:45:13 +08:00
@sNullp 额~ 学习了 原来这货还不属于低端那~~ 那digitalocean怎么在里头呢? 这个判定的标准是什么呢?
2013-12-20 06:47:21 +08:00
@zjgsamuel 是便宜(我猜的。。
2013-12-20 07:22:25 +08:00
2013-12-20 13:13:30 +08:00

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