在 sqlalchemy 中实现 django User.objects.get_by_id 风格

249 天前
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import DeclarativeMeta

class BaseController:
    Base BaseController, implement base CRUD sqlalchemy operations

    model_cls = None
    base_filter = ()
    def get_by_id(
        model_id: Union[int, str],
        query_field: Union[List, tuple] = None,
        to_dict: bool = False,
        id_field: str = None,
    ) -> Model or None:

class CustomDeclarativeMeta(DeclarativeMeta):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(CustomDeclarativeMeta, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if hasattr(self, 'objects'):
            self.objects.model_cls = self
            self.objects.base_filter = (self.objects.model_cls.is_delete == 0,)

Base = declarative_base(metaclass=CustomDeclarativeMeta)

class BaseModel(Base):

    __abstract__ = True
    objects = BaseController()
    is_delete = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=False, comment="是否已删除")

class User(BaseModel):
    nickname = Column("nickname", String(255), index=True, comment="昵称")


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245 天前
`get_by_id` 既然是个类方法,就需要加装饰器 `@classmethod`,而且出参的类型提示 `Model or None` 也不对,可能是 Model 或者 None 应该用 Optional[Model],况且这个方法里面也没有 return 任何内容,返回一定是 None ,逻辑有点问题...
245 天前
就是为了不用类方法才用的元类,另外这个方法 pass ,只是提供了一个入口,自己实现

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