最好用的 C 语言 JSON 解析器

245 天前

本文介绍开源 C 语言库Melon的 JSON 解析器。

相信很多读者都听说过甚至使用过 cJSON 开源库。那么本文就拿 cJSON 与 Melon 的 JSON 组件进行对比。


编码 Encode

假设我们要构建如下 JSON:

    "name": "Awesome 4K",
    "resolutions": [
            "width": 1280,
            "height": 720
            "width": 1920,
            "height": 1080
            "width": 3840,
            "height": 2160


#include <stdio.h>
#include <cjson/cJSON.h>

//NOTE: Returns a heap allocated string, you are required to free it after use.
char *create_monitor_with_helpers(void)
    const unsigned int resolution_numbers[3][2] = {
        {1280, 720},
        {1920, 1080},
        {3840, 2160}
    char *string = NULL;
    cJSON *resolutions = NULL;
    size_t index = 0;

    cJSON *monitor = cJSON_CreateObject();

    if (cJSON_AddStringToObject(monitor, "name", "Awesome 4K") == NULL)
        goto end;

    resolutions = cJSON_AddArrayToObject(monitor, "resolutions");
    if (resolutions == NULL)
        goto end;

    for (index = 0; index < (sizeof(resolution_numbers) / (2 * sizeof(int))); ++index)
        cJSON *resolution = cJSON_CreateObject();

        if (cJSON_AddNumberToObject(resolution, "width", resolution_numbers[index][0]) == NULL)
            goto end;

        if (cJSON_AddNumberToObject(resolution, "height", resolution_numbers[index][1]) == NULL)
            goto end;

        cJSON_AddItemToArray(resolutions, resolution);

    string = cJSON_Print(monitor);
    if (string == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to print monitor.\n");

    return string;

int main(void)
    char *p;
    p = create_monitor_with_helpers();
    printf("%s\n", p);
    return 0;

下面,我们一起看下使用Melon 的 JSON 组件的代码:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "mln_json.h"
#include "mln_log.h"

static mln_string_t *generate(void)
    mln_json_t j;
    mln_string_t *ret;


    mln_json_generate(&j, "{s:s,s:[{s:d,s:d},{s:d,s:d},{s:d,s:d}]}", \
        "name", "Awesome 4K", "resolutions", "width", 1280, "height", 720, \
        "width", 1920, "height", 1080, "width", 3840, "height", 2160);
    ret = mln_json_encode(&j);


    return ret;

int main(void)
    mln_string_t *p;
    p = generate();
    mln_log(none, "%S\n", p);
    return 0;

解码 Decode

假设我们有如下 JSON:

    "name": "Awesome 4K",
    "resolutions": [
            "width": 1280,
            "height": 720


#include <stdio.h>
#include <cjson/cJSON.h>

/* return 1 if the monitor supports full hd, 0 otherwise */
int supports_full_hd(const char * const monitor)
    const cJSON *resolution = NULL;
    const cJSON *resolutions = NULL;
    cJSON *monitor_json = cJSON_Parse(monitor);
    if (monitor_json == NULL)
        return -1;

    resolutions = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(monitor_json, "resolutions");
    cJSON_ArrayForEach(resolution, resolutions)
        cJSON *width = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(resolution, "width");
        return width->valuedouble;

    return -1;

int main(void)
    char p[] = "{\"name\":\"Awesome 4K\",\"resolutions\":[{\"width\":1280,\"height\":720}]}";
    int i = supports_full_hd(p);
    printf("%d\n", i);
    return 0;

接下来是Melon 的 JSON 组件的解码代码:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "mln_json.h"
#include "mln_log.h"

static int handler(mln_json_t *j, void *data)
    return (int)M_JSON_GET_DATA_NUMBER(j);

static int parse(mln_string_t *p)
    mln_json_t j;
    mln_string_t exp = mln_string("resolutions.0.width");
    mln_json_decode(p, &j);
    return mln_json_parse(&j, &exp, handler, NULL);

int main(void)
    mln_string_t p = mln_string("{\"name\":\"Awesome 4K\",\"resolutions\":[{\"width\":1280,\"height\":720}]}");
    int i = parse(&p);
    mln_log(none, "%d\n", i);
    return 0;


Melon 的 JSON 组件主要提供了如下四个函数来便于使用者构建和解析 JSON:

Melon 的 JSON 组件提供了易于阅读和使用的函数接口,更易于开发者对项目的维护。

欢迎大家来试用开源 C 语言库 Melon 。

Github: https://github.com/Water-Melon/Melon

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3 条回复
245 天前
性能怎么样呢?其实我写 C 不喜欢用参数列表,看着逻辑不清晰
245 天前
可以看看这个,我觉得用起来更简单: https://github.com/gd-zth/ezJSON
245 天前
赞呀,最近在学 C 语言,刚好要拿 cJSON 来研究,这下又加了一个学习案例。

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