请教大佬, chatgpt 用不了了

178 天前
正常使用的时候,手贱点了一下 gpt4 的充值页面,然后后退回来,然后就不能用了,点击登录没有反应,就很离谱我该怎么办
1144 次点击
所在节点    OpenAI
4 条回复
178 天前
ChatGPT ●
Help me pick
an outfit that will look good on camera●
a gift for my dad who loves fishing●
Give me ideas
for a customer loyalty program in a small bookstore●
for what to do with my kids' art●
Improve my post
for hiring a store associate●
for selling a used vacuum in good condition●
Plan a trip
to see the northern lights in Norway●
to experience Seoul like a local●
Summarize this article
as a table of pros and cons●
into three key points●
Write a text
asking a friend to be my plus-one at a wedding●
that goes with a kitten gif for a friend having a rough day●
Write a thank-you note
to our babysitter for the last-minute help●
to my interviewer●
Brainstorm names
for my fantasy football team●
for an orange cat we're adopting from the shelter●
Help me debug
why the linked list appears empty after I've reversed it●
a Python script automating daily reports●
Draft an email
to request a quote from local plumbers●
requesting a deadline extension for my project●
Suggest fun activities
for a family of 4 to do indoors on a rainy day●
for a team-building day with remote employees●
Recommend a dish
to bring to a potluck●
to impress a date who's a picky eater●
ChatGPT ●
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178 天前
gpt 停止了付费账户注册,估计这里面的流程有 bug
178 天前
跟那个没关系,我的也这样,打开 f12 一看一堆 403 ,要把 oaistatic.com 走代理才行
177 天前
清除本地缓存( cookie ,存储),把 oaistatic.comopanai.com 走代理。亲测有效,不行的话,清除完重启下电脑再尝试下

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