vps 收到了派拉蒙影业的警告信, bt 下载惹的祸,请问这个检测技术是使用针对所连接用户的分析检测的还是其他的方法?好奇……使用的应该是 shadowscoks 桌面版

2016-09-18 10:12:15 +08:00
Dear Sir or Madam:

We are contacting you on behalf of Paramount Pictures Corporation (Paramount). Under penalty of perjury, I assert that IP-Echelon Pty. Ltd., (IP-Echelon) is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the exclusive copyrights that are alleged to be infringed herein.

IP-Echelon has become aware that the below IP addresses have been using your service for distributing video files, which contain infringing video content that is exclusively owned by Paramount.

IP-Echelon has a good faith belief that the Paramount video content that is described in the below report has not been authorized for sharing or distribution by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law. I also assert that the information contained in this notice is accurate to the best of our knowledge.

We are requesting your immediate assistance in removing and disabling access to the infringing material from your network. We also ask that you ensure the user and/or IP address owner refrains from future use and sharing of Paramount materials and property.

In complying with this notice, IT7 Networks should not destroy any evidence, which may be relevant in a lawsuit, relating to the infringement alleged, including all associated electronic documents and data relating to the presence of infringing items on your network, which shall be preserved while disabling public access, irrespective of any document retention or corporate policy to the contrary.

Please note that this letter is not intended as a full statement of the facts; and does not constitute a waiver of any rights to recover damages, incurred by virtue of any unauthorized or infringing activities, occurring on your network. All such rights, as well as claims for other relief, are expressly reserved.

Should you need to contact me, I may be reached at the following address:

Adrian Leatherland
On behalf of IP-Echelon as an agent for Paramount
Address: 6715 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles, 90028, United States
Email: p2p@copyright.ip-echelon.com

Evidentiary Information:
Infringed Work: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows

Infringing FileName: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Out Of The Shadows (2016) [3D] [HSBS] [YTS.AG]
648 次点击
所在节点    VPS
5 条回复
2016-09-18 10:15:36 +08:00
2016-09-18 10:21:33 +08:00
@caskeep 我只使用 ss 进行连接的解析,看来以后要用墙内的网解析了,顺便求推荐几个可以比特币支付的 vps 站点,免去查询的后顾之忧。
2016-09-18 11:36:33 +08:00
2016-09-18 23:47:36 +08:00
@b821025551b thanks !!
2016-10-05 07:20:28 +08:00
之前被 Sony 娱乐发过

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