我怀疑我买了个假 Pixel,到现在都没有 Android 8.0 的更新

2017-08-28 11:32:16 +08:00

海淘美版,Google Store 官网购买

9262 次点击
所在节点    Android
27 条回复
2017-08-29 09:27:50 +08:00
看镜像名,opr 指的是 oreo preview release 吧
2017-08-29 09:55:25 +08:00
@wm5d8b 这是新的 build number 格式

The P variable is the first letter of the platform release, so it's "O" for Oreo currently. The V is for the vertical, which in all the builds you're worried about will be "P" for primary platform branch. The BB characters represent an alphanumeric code that points to the exact code branch used in the build. For the first Oreo release on the Pixel, this is "R6."

You can probably guess at the purpose of the center YYMMDD block just from the format. It's the date (year, month, day) when the release was branched or synced with the development branch. This might not necessarily be the build date as it's common to reuse the same code for multiple builds without going back to the dev branch. The "bbb" set of characters is simply a number that differentiates between multiple builds with the same date code. The Pixel is on 012 right now.

2017-08-29 11:56:34 +08:00
@flowfire Don't know
2017-08-29 11:56:49 +08:00
@morethansean 感谢!
2017-08-29 11:58:11 +08:00
2017-08-29 15:55:23 +08:00
2017-08-30 13:14:53 +08:00
@ssdold 我在欧洲,,怎么寄给你,哈哈
对了,V 版今天推送了

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