Win10 18298 的一项史诗级进步

2018-12-11 12:44:33 +08:00


Notepad Updates

UTF-8 Encoding: We've made significant improvements to the way Notepad handles encoding. Starting with this build, we are adding the option to save files in UTF-8 without a Byte Order Mark and making this the default for new files. UTF-8 without a Byte Order Mark is backwards-compatible with ASCII and will provide better interoperability with the web, where UTF-8 has become the default encoding. Additionally, we added a column to the status bar that displays the encoding of the document.

Modified indicator: Notepad will now show an asterisk (*) in the title bar before the title of a document to indicate that a document has unsaved changes.


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43 条回复
2018-12-11 18:30:35 +08:00
2018-12-11 18:30:53 +08:00
2018-12-11 22:33:34 +08:00
微软现在好起来了. 真的是风水轮流转嗷

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