我理解有问题还是 backblaze 的对象存储就有这种漏洞?

2021-06-20 08:53:28 +08:00

之前看到 v 友讨论腾讯 cos 防刷,有人提到:

事实上如果找到你 COS 桶源站域名,就算你每个请求都鉴权,攻击者也可以靠刷请求次数让你破产~(无效请求也要计费)

看后虎躯一震,想到一直在用 backblaze 的对象存储服务完全可以被别人推出桶源站域名( S3 URL)...



我目前是 backblaze 搭配 cloudflare 使用,使用他们的"friendly URL"套 cf 可以减免回源流量费。

官方套 cf 文档: https://help.backblaze.com/hc/en-us/articles/217666928-Using-Backblaze-B2-with-the-Cloudflare-CDN



Friendly URL 示例: https://f000.backblazeb2.com/file/my-bucket-name/image-name

也就是说,套上 cf 后,访问地址就变成了: https://我的二级域名 /file/存储桶名 /图片名

然后它的 S3 URL 是这样的: https://存储桶名.s3.us-west-000.backblazeb2.com/图片名

那么问题来了,其他人只要根据 cdn 访问地址,就可以知道我的存储桶名,然后轻易地推出 S3 URL 。

然后就如 v 友所说。。

事实上如果找到你 COS 桶源站域名,就算你每个请求都鉴权,攻击者也可以靠刷请求次数让你破产~(无效请求也要计费)


Hello there,

Thank you for taking the time to write in,

The only vulnerability that may occur is if a malicious user would download your files many times to incur a large download bill on your part, but just knowing the public URLs of the files does not grant access or the ability to upload or delete files from a public bucket. If the bucket is private no downloads, inquires or other type of access can occur unless they have a valid app key and keyID to that bucket, which would be impossible to retrieve from your website.

Let me know if you have any other questions.


Bob The Backblaze Team



本来就对这个不太懂,有没有 v 友可以指导下...

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2021-06-20 21:31:55 +08:00

本来 rewrite 成功了,但是

根据 https://help.backblaze.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010017893-How-to-allow-Cloudflare-to-fetch-content-from-a-Backblaze-B2-private-bucket

把 bucket 设置了 private 并且授权后,rewrite 的 URL 就报 404 了,但是加上 /file/bucketname/可以正常访问

"code": "not_found",
"message": "File with such name does not exist.",
"status": 404
2021-06-21 18:08:29 +08:00
@boboliu @lostberryzz 怎么做到修改 URL,有没有具体文档?
2021-06-22 00:49:43 +08:00
看邮件 b2 应该是按成功请求收取费用,不过你可以实验一下。
GetObject 算是 B 类请求,每天前 2500 次免费,然后每 10000 次 4 美分,刷个 13000 次看看扣不扣费就行了。
(我想其实应该没几个闲人见谁打谁吧?也不必太惊慌 :)
另外 @lqf96 提到的 transform rules 应该能解决问题,报错的话再看看 cf 的文档吧
2022-05-24 11:41:23 +08:00
我也问了一下 b2 官方客服,他是这么回复我的:

Thank you for contacting us. To go beyond the download cap on the free plan, you would need to put in billing information onto the account or you would have to wait till tomorrow to resume your downloads. We will not close the bucket. Since you are worried about large requests you can add caps to your account to stop any downloads after a certain dollar amount: https://help.backblaze.com/hc/en-us/articles/217931138-How-to-use-B2-data-caps-alerts


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